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My Story

Due to a car crash that left me with over two hundred stitches on the left side of my face, I had great determination to heal myself.  I strongly believe that Mother Nature provides everything we need to heal through medicines that grow from the earth.  Through my healing process, I have connected to my native roots where I was gifted a name through ceremony, "Wamba dee doo ta O eechi wan ween" or "Red Painted Eagle Woman".  This is important for when I perform smudging ceremonies.  My crash helped me to determine what I should study, which in turn helps me on your healing journey.  It took many years but I now comprehend the reason for my car crash back in the 90's.  I am grateful for that crash because it gave me the determination to gain knowledge of Super Healing Foods, Eat Right For Your Type, Acupressure Meridian Lines, Woman Heal Thyself, Graphology, Body/Face Reading, Reflexology, local Herbs/Plants identification, Massage Therapy, Iridology, Body Language, Healing Energy work, randomly Seeing & Hearing Spirits, Birth Signs, Card Readings, The Emotion Code, The Body Code, Photography, connecting the unseen dots, as well as Louise Hay's techniques and the study of gem stones healing properties.  With all of this, I added Equine Massage Therapy and Equine Re-alignment Therapy!

I firmly believe that you have the answers to everything you need to know about you.  Did you know that?  It's true.  Unfortunately, for decades we have been taught to trust doctors, not ourselves.  We have been taught that they have the answers, not us.  This is conditional programming and we have grown to accept that medical doctors know more about us than we do.  This is not true anymore.  Everyone is discovering that we have the answers to everything inside of us.  We are discovering how to tap into this knowledge.  Don't get me wrong, doctors are great for their specialties and if you need to see one, please do so.



Utilizing Applied Kinesiology, ThetaHealing & Beyond Quantum Healing, Soul Center Healing Hypnosis and so much more, we will use a variety of techniques like muscle testing, conversing with our higher self or other aspects of yourself, alternate lives, guides and/or any other beings that want to communicate with us to learn about you and answer questions that you have.  We will take a journey (through guided meditation) that will assist you to find out why things are happening the way they are in your life as well as receive knowledge for making adjustments to focus on healing.  Whether it is physical ailments or thought patterns that keep repeating for you or whether it is the Unwanted, Uninvited, Unintentional Guests (Triple U's) that are present that might be causing dis-harmony within you.


In the sessions, there might be times where you think you are making it up.  You are!   You need to!  We work in your imagination to overcome things that you have had the most difficult time trying to change in your life.  After all, everything begins with a thought.  When we are finished, you might feel like napping, please enjoy the nap... take the time to have the rest because these sessions shift so many cells, thoughts and uninvited guests that were adding to the additional physical and metal weight.  There might also be a release of built-up, stuck and trapped emotions.  Things are changing, my friends.  Thankfully, through these healing techniques, we have the ability to change old thought programs.  After we work on releasing and healing these, you will feel lighter, and less burdened.  You will wonder how you lived so long with that extra heaviness & didn't notice how heavy they were until they were gone.



Since 2018, I had a un-quenched thirst for knowledge of "Who are the Council of Twelve?"  No one had the answers so, I delved deeper to discover who The Council of Twelve were.  Through my own Quantum Healing Hypnosis and Soul Center Healing Hypnosis sessions guided by wonderful practitioners we received the answer.  Interestingly... I found out that I have an "aspect" with The Council of Twelve - the keepers of T.I.M.E.  Thankfully, they are readily available to assist when or if we need them.  I have learned that they are a group of Twelve Individuals Monitoring Everything.  They monitor all events everywhere for all time and all existence.  They coordinate with the others on the council to make sure that everything is in synchronicity with all the other members' information and events for all of existence and all matter.

Side Note:  A kind soul introduced me once as "Song is the keeper of time", this started me thinking... The Council of Twelve are the keepers of time but time does not exist.  I figured out that the word time should be defined more to describe the council and came up with an acronym for T.I.M.E.  Twelve Individuals Monitoring Everything.  I hope this helps.

Contact me when you would like to book a session at



For You

The Council of Twelve

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