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Spending T.I.M.E. with : Song.

I take you to the theta brain wave state & figure out why things have happened in your life, where you are going to go & how to get there.  From that theta state we visit the Creator Of All That Is and download feelings as well as shift ideas.

We start with visualizations of going down stairs & into a garden then I ask you to scan your body... searching for tingling, pulsing, itchiness, or pain.  We zero in on those physical feelings & have a chat with the first thing that comes to mind.  Then we move into releasing it.  Next flood in a colour of your choosing, which is a healing source of light.  You are always aware of everything that is going on & talk with me throughout the session.


Basically I'm having a conversation with your soul, your subconscious mind (or any being that should come forward) asking questions that were written on the form that were filled out before the session.  The results have been life changing for each one of my clients.  They feel more confident with who they are & they have a better understanding of what they going to do, be, & progress.


A couple examples:  shifting being afraid into being more confident but first we get to the root idea of why you are afraid.., why this fear formed and when it started.  Or if you want to switch habits, we will go that route.  For example, one client wanted to stop eating sugar, so we switched that thought program into choosing a protein snack instead.  The programs vary from person to person.


I look forward to spending time assisting you with healing and shifting.

Turning Ideas Moves Everything.

: Song.

Kiera's Wonderment.jpg

Achieve Your Goals

Overcome Fears

Embrace Life’s Changes

Building Confidence in Relationships

Your Higher Source Self Messages

The Counsel Of Twelve Assistance

Guidance, Inspiration & Advice


1 Hour Consultation

Free when you book a 3 hour session.

3 Hour Sessions

1 Hour Tune-up Session

Only available after a full session

Trading is welcome.

E-mail to book your session.
Other items available below.

Ancestral Currant
Tea Blend

Wild Black Currant Leaves (right)

Red Belted Poly-pore (left)

Usnea (bottom)


1 Package

3 Packages

13 Packages

23 Packages

33 Packages

Shipping cost will be added on top of these prices

All foraged by Song, That Woman Over There.

Trading is welcome.

Smudge Package

Wild Buffalo Sage

1 Package (3 Balls)

3 Packages (9 Balls)

(Sizes will vary)

These are not long bundles of sage that you find in the store. I was guided to make them into balls.  So now we can all have a laugh at the sage balls references.  Packaging will vary.

Shipping cost will be added on top of these prices

All foraged by Song That Woman Over There

Sage Bundle with text
Alex and Troy Hendriks Edited-89_edited_edited.jpg

Person Smudging

Where (what location) do you need smudging?

$133.30 Canadian

Please contact me, as this cost is not firm.

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